
Providing Opportunities and Independence for People with Disabilities: The Foundling’s CQL Accreditation

DD CQL Accreditation

Last month, The Foundling achieved a three-year Quality Assurances Accreditation (QAA) from the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) – the culmination of a months-long process that included on-site assessments, interviews with staff, families, and participants, focus groups, and detailed analysis of our services for people with developmental disabilities. CQL accredits programs on several factors – including the ways in which participants are given dignity and respect, how families and other support networks are integrated into services, and how participants are best supported in achieving their personal goals.

The CQL accreditation measures a rigorous standard of care – of the more than 600 providers of developmental disabilities services in New York State, only 7% have achieved CQL accreditation and only 2% of the 208 New York City providers are CQL accredited.  We are proud to join these ranks, and to have had the opportunity to share our strengths – including our person-centered approach and deeply held commitment to ensuring that each person we support can reach their full potential.

In preparation for our accreditation, our entire Developmental Disabilities Division came together, taking this opportunity to highlight our programs and identify great stories to share.  We’re excited to showcase the journeys of some of these amazing Foundling participants, as they truly represent our values and commitment to helping those in our community work toward strength, stability, and independence.


Michel: Highlighting How We Support People in Exercising their Rights and Personal Goals

As a transgender woman with developmental disabilities, Michel spent decades of her life struggling to access gender-affirming care. When she came to live in one of The Foundling’s supportive residences, she was given the support and resources to exercise her rights to transition and live as her true self.

David: Demonstrating The Foundling’s Role in Maintaining Participant Health

With the help of The Foundling’s Nutrition Team –  which focuses on the health of our residents – David learned to manage his medication, eat nutritious meals, and take his health into his own hands. With these new skills, he has become more physically fit and independent.

Chshone: Showcasing our Values of Dignity and Respect

Chshone, a resident in one of our supportive homes, has learned to exercise his voice through advocacy. With the support of Foundling staff, he is an avid speaker at conferences held by Self Advocacy Association of New York (SANY), a network founded and led by people with developmental disabilities.


Thanks to this assessment, we’re positioned to improve our services and programs even further. We look forward to continuing this journey – and to serving the community.

Want to learn more? Read more success stories from our Developmental Disabilities programs:

Interested in enrolling or referring a participant to our Residential, Day Habilitation, Community Habilitation, or Employment Services programs?

Speak to our Developmental Disabilities Information and Referral Team at (212) 886-4020 or email I&R@NYFoundling.org.

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