
Haven Academy Students Celebrate with an In-Person Graduation

Haven Academy 2021 Graduation

Haven graduates celebrate with the traditional toss of their caps

Last Thursday, students, families, teachers, and staff from Mott Haven Academy Charter School came together for an in-person graduation ceremony for its middle school graduates. Held on the outside grounds of the Andrew Freedman Home in the Bronx, students had the opportunity to celebrate together with their classmates and friends.

The ceremony featured an introduction from Head of School Jessica Nauiokas, remarks from Haven Middle Principal Sarah Touma, speeches from the class valedictorian and salutatorian, a Haven Kids Rock performance, and the distribution of awards and diplomas.

As Faith, one of the graduates, shared, “My time at Haven was overall a fun and amazing experience, and they did a good job teaching and educating us. I’m happy to be graduating, to move on…and start something new. I can pursue dreams that I really want to pursue.”

Watch the full graduation here:

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