
3 Ways to Honor National Parents’ Day with Your Family

Each year on the fourth Sunday in July, we celebrate National Parents’ Day, but even more importantly, we’re celebrating and cheering on all the parental figures and role models that are a part of The Foundling.


This can be foster parents, adoptive parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, grandparents and members of the community who play an important role in the safe and healthy development of children across the city.


Wondering how your family can honor this holiday together in a meaningful way? Here are a few suggestions.


Spend quality time together


This one may seem obvious, but with the weekdays being so busy, it can mean so much. Take the time to reconnect by putting down the electronic devices and finding an activity that everyone enjoys. Do the kids like going to the park? Take a picnic lunch and spend the day! If your child, niece, or nephew has a preferred activity, like reading, shopping, or baking, join in with them!


Make a scrapbook or memory book


Sit down together as a family to create a scrapbook full of photos and memories. Pick out your favorite photos together, color photos and write letters or journal entries to include. This activity could lead to new positive memories and be a wonderful bonding experience.


This project could be especially meaningful for a child in foster care who is missing their siblings or their parents. Include photos, or any details you can think of to help the child visualize what their family looks like – foster parents included. Let the child lead based on their comfort level and what they are OK talking about. Your child may even wish to include photos or details about past foster homes.


The activity may bring you closer and help you gain even more understanding.


Have conversations


Take some time to chat with your child about what family means. Not everybody’s family is the same, and that’s OK. You can talk about how each of you defines “family,” and what it means to be a parent.

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