
Entries by Elefant Design


Our 2022 Impact Report

Every day, our neighbors – with the support of The Foundling – are building their own bright futures. We believe in the power and potential of all people, and our services provide innovative and fruitful opportunities to those we serve: children in foster care, families in our therapeutic programs, adults with developmental disabilities living in […]


The Difference Card: The New York Foundling Finds Long-term Success with The Difference Card Health Insurance Strategy

In their latest blog post, Taylor Britt of The Difference Card sat down with Meghan O’Keefe, Assistant Vice President in our Human Resources department. In the interview, they discuss our successes using The Difference Card as a way to keep health insurance cost low while providing the best possible benefits for Foundling staff. Read more […]


Celebrating Social Work at The Foundling

March is National Social Work Month – and we’re proud to highlight the important work that our social workers do across our organization each day. Since The Foundling’s beginnings, we have been pioneers in the social work field. Now, we employ social workers in nearly every department, with these essential staff working in a variety […]


Why Haven Academy Works: Documenting our Model

Young people in the foster care system have historically been failed by public schools – in New York, studies show that 1 in 5 kids that have foster care involvement in high school do not graduate, and 80% are not proficient in reading or math. At The Foundling, our education programs continually provide targeted support […]

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