Our Fall Fete was a Wonderful Evening!

Foundling Gala

Last night’s Fall Fête was a wonderful evening. Foundling staff, trustees, supporters, and friends came together to learn more about our programs and the lasting impact our services have in our community. Through heartwarming videos and spoken remarks, this signature event showcased the way our services help our neighbors move past their challenges, with an emphasis on the mental health support we provide across the community.

Thanks to our supporters’ generosity, we raised over $550,000 for our programs to help 30,000 children, adults, and families across New York City and Puerto Rico along their own paths of stability, strength, and independence each year.

Congratulations again to this year’s honoree, City Winery, and to Carmen Jirau-Rivera, who received a special recognition. And special thanks to NY1’s Pat Kiernan, our host committee, auctioneer Robbie Gordy, program auction donors, and all of our sponsors.

View photos from the event below:

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