
    Our Programs

    Servicios de Salud Medica

    En cualquier día, aproximadamente 400,000 jóvenes en los EE. UU. están bajo cuidado de crianza. Muchos de estos jóvenes resistente enfrentan desafíos aparentemente insuperables, que incluyen la falta de vivienda, tasas de graduación más bajas de la escuela secundaria y la universidad, el encarcelamiento y la dificultad para asegurar un empleo estable. El Foundling ayuda a los jóvenes en cuidado de crianza temporal a superar estos obstáculos al proporcionar manejo de casos, intervenciones terapéuticas y alojamientode apoyo, así como entrenamiento especializada para padres de crianza y padres biológicos. Con el apoyo adecuado, estos jóvenes pueden superar las probabilidades.

    Servicios de Salud Medica

    School & Community Partnerships

    Mental health challenges can affect school-age children and youth in many different ways, and parents and teachers are often unaware of the signs of mental health issues and how best to respond to them. Our school- and community-based programs treat children where they are, helping them to fully focus and engage in academics and other enriching school activities.

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    Cabe Family

    Servicios de Salud Medica

    Medical Health Services

    On any given day, approximately 400,000 young people in the U.S. are in foster care. Many of these resilient young people face seemingly insurmountable challenges, including homelessness, lower high school and college graduation rates, incarceration, and difficulty securing stable employment. The Foundling helps youth in foster care overcome these obstacles by providing case management, therapeutic interventions, and supportive housing, as well as specialized training for foster parents and birth parents. With the right support, these young people can beat the odds.

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    Servicios de Salud Medica

    Behavioral Health Services

    Managing and mitigating health concerns before the need for emergency intervention is crucial to providing higher quality health care at a lower cost to patients. The Foundling’s behavioral health services are trauma-informed and tailored to the needs of the children, youth, and families we serve.

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    Our Continued


    people served in The Foundling's programs every year
    years providing life changing services to children, families, and adults in New York
    program sites providing services throughout the New York metropolitan area
    donation launched The Foundling's work in 1869
    evidence-based models and adaptations implemented with fidelity across our array of programs and service areas
    programs and services serving children, families, and adults across New York and Puerto Rico
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