
Be Healthy, Buy Local!

Frequenting local farmers markets and buying foods from community-supported agriculture sites allows you to support local businesses and sustainable practices while promoting good health in your home at the same time. Search the internet for local farmers markets near you. You may be surprised just how many there are!

Buying local and seasonal is a great way to ensure that the foods you’re buying are fresh and full of nutritious vitamins and minerals. Take a look at some of the popular seasonal spring produce items below:

  • Apricots, Artichokes, Avocado and Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots and Chives
  • Fava Beans and Fennel
  • Honeydew
  • Leeks
  • Mangoes
  • Peas, Pineapples and Potatoes
  • Watercress

Not all of these items can necessarily be grown in New York or the surrounding area, but buying in-season still means less time from farm to table. Attending a market is also a lovely way to spend time outside on a nice day. Bring children and family members to involve them in meal planning and to spark their interest in healthy foods!  So go, get out there and connect with your community all while purchasing locally cultivated delicious foods!

To read Madeline’s blog from last month, please click here!


*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The New York Foundling, its funders, regulators, donors and/or employees.

Madeline Rizzuti is a Registered Dietitian and Diabetes Education Counselor working for the Developmental Disabilities Division of the New York Foundling. She is a New York native who loves to cook and travel the world tasting new flavors.


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